Mother's Favorite Hymns
The entire album has been uploaded below for your listening pleasure. To stream the song and listen to it right now simply click on the "Download File" link and the song will play. To save the song to your computer "right click" on the "Download File" link and click "Save target as..." or "Save link as..." Then select a location to save the song (like your desktop or create a new folder titled "Mother's Favorite Hymns"). Finally click "Save" and the song will now be saved to your computer.
01 Amazing Grace - Just as I am |
02 Angels in the Snow Poem |
03 Old Rugged Cross |
04 The Lighthouse |
05 9-11 Poem |
06 In the Garden |
07 The Gathering (Poem) |
08 The Blessing |
09 Softly and Tenderly |
10 Rainy Mountain (Poem) |
11 Sweet Hour of Prayer |
12 Mother's Poem |
13 How Great Thou Art |
14 Amazing Grace |